Intentions, Activities & Values


Intention & Unity

We want to create an environment through cooperation between agriculture & Investors, where mutual trust will be developed, the agricultural sector of the country will be prosperous, the living standards of farmers will be improved, food production will be safe, unemployment will be reduced and finally, the investors will get 100% Halal Income. It not only gives us confidence but also gives us unity to reach our Goals by making tough decisions with integrity in tough situations. Moreover, Grow Grain works together with agriculture and farmers to earn you Shariah-based halal profits and prosperity of the country and agriculture.

Work and Expectations

We interact with marginal farmers in the light of their experience and needs by supplying and providing fertilisers, seeds, machinery, pesticides, livestock, training and consultancy, veterinary services etc. to produce, rear and sell agricultural products at fair prices. We are trying to run in accordance with Shariah. In this case, we expect some patriots and lovers of agriculture, religious people, who stand by the side of helpless farmers for the welfare of the country and people. Together we will benefit from agricultural development and building a prosperous Bangladesh as well as obtaining Shariah-based profits.

Why You Invest

Many investors have personal values ​​and beliefs that they wish to reflect in their investment Shariah-based halal business portfolio. Socially responsible halal investments protect and secure their investments with investors' personal values ​​and supporting causes.Capital is the biggest obstacle for the farmers of Bangladesh. They don't have the legal knowledge .So you are socially responsible through halal investment contribute to agriculturally prosperous countries, safe food production, fair prices for agriculture and agricultural products, reducing unemployment and changing the quality of life of farmers.